
Brandon Tross, Ed.S.

Doctoral Student in Counseling Psychology, Western Michigan University

Department of Counseling Psychology and Counselor Education.

Brandon is an Educational Specialist and is a former School Psychologist. He earned his Specialist Degree from Andrews University and completed his Baccalaureate degree in Psychology from Western Michigan University.


OLivia Gratz, MS

Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology, Western Michigan University

Psychology Department

Olivia has a Masters Degree in Applied behavior Analysis from St. Louis University and is a certified Behavior Analyst. She earned her Baccalaureate Degree in Psychology from Brandeis University where she graduated with honors.


Summer Chahin, MA

Doctoral Student in Clinical Psychology, Western Michigan University

Psychology Department

Summer has a Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology from Western Michigan University where she also earned her Baccalaureate Degree in psychology.